Odd Shape Lot Homes

An odd shaped lot doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot achieve a good design outcome. We ensure that all factors including your requirements, solar orientation and a good elevation is achieved via our extensive design process.
Why choose odd shape home lots?
Rectangular lots are run of the mill in today’s day and age, they are simple, straightforward and provide the ground for similar houses. Odd, shaped lots however are the ones that catch your eye with their unique beauty. They are the lots of land which utilities the space it is to work with in creative and attractive ways to produce the homeowners dream nest. Only a home built on an odd, shaped lot is memorable enough to be recalled at the drop of a hat.
The noise and privacy issues that come with an ordinary house can be solved with an odd, shaped lot. Having to be conscious about people seeing into your house is easily fixed by moving somewhere with a more unique design to what is ordinarily on offer.
A house with wasted space is money down the drain. Failing to use your home to its full potential is a problem for those who have a rectangular lot of land. An odd, shaped bit of land can see the utilisation of a gardens space to ensure that each aspect is remembered and highlighted to its fullest extent.
Odd, shaped spaces have so much potential for creative designs with unlimited potentials. The wide-open spaces which it allows for are inviting, bright and welcoming which works to ensure natural light is effortless caste into your home with a shine of delicate beauty. Seamless transitions into an outdoor space are an added benefit of the odd shaped lot, working with the home to provide a beautiful result which your neighbours will be jealous of.

Important Points to Remember

There are many complex tasks to be completed and researched before you think about home design and project management, to ensure the task is manageable. Dream Nest is here to help guide you through this process, so you don't miss a thing.
Every residential lot is governed by certain laws and regulations that limit what can be built on that land. Therefore it’s important to the the design requirements before buying land.
It is important to give consideration to the site of the land. There can be unexpected costs to do extra site works if the site conditions are not kept in mind while buying the land. For developments, there could also be fees or infrastructure contributions to the local or state government agencies- that must be checked beforehand.
Our clients are always encouraged to ask as many questions as possible. The more questions are asked, the less the chance of missing out on any important information.
The Dream Nest Way

By sharing our experience with the clients we can ensure the building journey is smooth and enjoyable.
We assist our clients at every stage of the project. From helping to find the right block of land and all through them moving into their home.
We provide obligation free consultation to understand the clients needs and we also provide our inputs on buying land
Conceptualise and design
Once the suitable block of land is secured. We sit with the clients to design their home as per their requirements.
Finding the right builder / Tendering
Based on the requirements, budget and specifications. We ensure that the client finds the most suitable builder.
Moving into construction
We assist the clients through the construction process. For larger projects, we also offer project management services.